It’s a new school year, and as you know, with a new year comes new possibilities. Thinking about the future or your career goals can be frightening, and you may be feeling a lot of pressure. However, you can find comfort in the fact that you already took a big step – joining this club. Being a member of Collegiate Women in Business (CWIB) comes with endless resources that can help you feel more prepared than ever before.
Want to know how to make the most of your time as a CWIB member? Here are five simple things that you can do.
1. Monthly meetings
On the first Wednesday of each month, we have a meeting located in NCB. All you have to do is show up. You can learn about the many exciting events the club is hosting over the next few weeks and find out how you can get involved. Sometimes we even get the opportunity to host companies at these meetings At the October meeting, two guest speakers from Accenture led a group discussion about finding your strengths and shared their personal advice with us about how to stand out when applying for jobs or internships. There’s always something new to learn from coming to these meetings. There’s also free food. It’s fantastic.
2. Be social!
Everybody in CWIB comes from different places with vastly different backgrounds. Make an effort to get out there and make new connections. Add other members on social media or meet new people at the meetings and other CWIB events. You can set up “coffee chats” with the leadership/executive team where you can sit down with them and have a discussion (check out the CWIB website to find out how to set up a coffee chat). Everyone has different skills and experiences to bring to the table, and you can learn a whole lot from them. So, do your networking and you can make some amazing friends along the way as well.
3. Do your research
CWIB is a highly-reputed organization at Virginia Tech, and because of this, we have the opportunity to host different companies at our events, such as monthly meetings or case studies. We even host conference calls with Virginia Tech alumni who are part of the corporate world. The company representatives and alumni who visit us during these events are more than willing to share their insight with us, so it’s important to do research before these companies come so you can be prepared. If there’s a specific company you’re interested in, you can get a chance to talk to them. This way, you can strike up a conversation and might even make an impact that will benefit you later on in the future.
4. Get involved
There are numerous ways to be an active member of CWIB. We have many exciting events going on during the month, such as monthly meetings and treks to different cities, such as Richmond, DC, New York, and so on. These treks are a great way to network with professionals and learn about the world of business. You can participate in our philanthropy events, such as the one at the past November meeting, and give back to the community. If you have any suggestions for future events, reach out and make your voice heard. You can submit any project ideas you may have to the CWIB executives. There’s really no limit to how many ways you can be involved.
5. Ask for help
Everybody in CWIB, whether they’re a member, on a committee, or on the executive board, can be a resource for you if you need help. Making decisions about your career, your major, your classes, etc. can be very difficult. The good thing is, you don’t have to make them alone. Sign up for the CWIB Mentorship program to be paired with a mentor you can connect with and ask for guidance. Stay updated with the weekly newsletters and social media accounts. Read the magazine articles to learn about the tips and tricks other members have to offer when it comes to all things business. The key to learning is to ask questions, and remember, you’re never alone.
These are just a few of my tips when it comes to making the most out of being a CWIB member. It’s important to remember that this club is here to help you in the world of business. You can make connections, interact with companies, participate in events, be on a committee…there’s really no downside to getting involved. While this is just my advice, it’s entirely up to you to personalize your experience in CWIB this year.
The CWIB Magazine Committee can’t wait to see you at the next club event and we wish you good luck for this school year!