Collegiate Women In Business (CWIB) added a brand new program to the organization last year known as the Mentorship Program. This extremely beneficial addition allows members of CWIB to be partnered with a mentor who is meant to guide them academically, professionally, and personally . The partnership process starts when every interested member fills out a survey that focuses on their major and other more personal aspects. Then Sydney Woodward, Vice President of Mentorship, carefully pairs mentees with a mentor. Last year this process was based solely on similar majors but this year, Sydney wanted the program to be more inclusive. To accomplish this, she made the pairing process more geared towards a deeper, personal level of matching. An interview with Sydney sheds more light on this new and growing program.

When can members join this program and get a mentor?
Members can be matched throughout the year, although the two major windows of matching are in the beginning of fall and spring semesters for new members. If you decide you want a mentor at another time during the year, the matching process might be more limited based on who’s available.
Do you have a mentor? How has she helped you?
My mentor is Maddie Blevins, and she truly helped me come out of my shell. When I was a freshman on the Harvard trek, I was really shy and did not talk to anyone. Maddie came over and asked to take a picture with me and our friendship blossomed from there. If it wasn’t for her, I might not be a member or involved in the Leadership Committee.

Why should a CWIB member want a mentor?
The program really connects members and alumni. Not only do you have the chance to learn from someone and make a life-long friendship, but the program also focuses on giving members chances to connect with alumni. This chance to network can really open doors for members. With the mentorship program, you get out what you put in. It can only do good by giving you more knowledge and direction.
What can one expect from their mentor?
The program is set up so that mentors meet with their mentees at least once a month. Also, mentees are encouraged to reach out to their mentors with any questions regarding classes or homework. Mentors are meant to be available 24/7, as someone who has gone through it all before.
With this inside look at the CWIB Mentorship Program, hopefully you are inspired to reach out to Sydney for pairing! You can reach her at Take advantage of this opportunity to get connected with someone who can guide you through your time here at Virginia Tech, and truly become a lifelong friend.