The last full week of classes is coming to a close. We all know what that means: finals are coming. The significance that this next week and a half can have on your grades can understandably bring a lot of stress to you. However, it is important to know that you should try to find time to disconnect from your studies and connect with yourself and friends to relax. Here are some tips that I have for you to de-stress before finals start!
1. Have a spa night
Before you go to sleep one night, reward your hard work and studying with a relaxing spa night. Light a candle, pull up Netflix on your laptop and apply a homemade face mask. Face masks can get pretty expensive so try making a banana-oatmeal mask. In a bowl, mix together one cup of oatmeal and a mashed banana. Add a dash of milk and apply it to your face. This recipe is not only easy to make but extremely affordable. You can store leftovers in your fridge and all the ingredients are found in dining halls or Kroger!

2. Download the Yoga Wake Up App
This app allows you to set an alarm that wakes you up with a short yoga routine. Instead of a blaring, annoying ringtone, you can choose different sounds like the ocean or rain to wake you up. Then an instructor’s voice will softly lead you through a simple routine to wake your body and mind. You will feel refreshed, relaxed and ready to take on your day!

3. Take a walk to the duck pond
The duck pond is located by Grove Lane and is a totally underrated spot on Virginia Tech’s campus. After studying for hours at Torgersen or taking a final, take a nice, relaxing walk to the pond and sit back and enjoy the view. There are even tables there to eat lunch or do some studying. This quiet escape will allow you to silence your mind and disconnect from all the stress of finals week.

4. Download coloring pages
This might sound silly, but it actually works. Google “free de-stressing coloring pages” and print some off. Turn on your favorite chill playlist (my recommendation would be John Mayer of course) and take a break from your glaring computer screen. You’ll find that these intricate, purposefully designed pages will distract your mind from overthinking.

5. Cook something new
Take some time to scroll through the Tasty page on Facebook and pick out a new recipe. Grab your roommates and head to Kroger to pick up ingredients. Turn off your phones and spend time making the dish together. Challenge yourselves to keep your phones off while eating, and to not mention finals once. Focus on enjoying the meal and your friends’ company.

Hopefully if you try any of these ideas, you feel less overwhelmed and ready to take on these last few weeks of the semester. Good luck to all of Collegiate Women in Business and enjoy your well-deserved break!