After countless nights of studying in Newman, cups of coffee, and tears (in no particular order), fall semester has come to a close. Whether it was a good semester for you or didn’t go quite as planned, the new year is a fresh start. New classes offer new opportunities, so it’s important to get back to Tech with an open mind. Here are some tips on how to bounce back after winter break feeling refreshed and ready to do your best.
1. Prepare for your classes
Yes, it’s break, and the last thing on anyone’s minds is school. However, looking over your spring semester classes can give you an edge, as well as prepare you for what’s to come. Ask people who’ve taken your classes before for advice or information on professors. You can even look on websites like Koofers that have practice quizzes and exams for certain classes, so you know what to expect. You can even buy or rent textbooks ahead of time and skim through the contents as a way to “warm up” to the material.

2. Make a schedule
Going blank on new year’s resolutions? One of them could be to be more organized. Come up with a personalized organizational method that works for you and your schedule. Personally, I have an app on my laptop called “My Study Life” which allows you to schedule your weekly classes, as well as color coded homework reminders for each class. You can tick off each assignment as you complete it, so you know what you’ve finished and what you have left.

I put my other events in my iPhone calendar app (such as work, club meetings, etc.) and sync it to my VT email so I can access it at any time, from any place. If you’re not a fan of relying on technology for important reminders, invest in a planner or journal you can carry around with you.
3. Set personal goals
I believe that the first step to be taken when starting fresh on anything is to set goals for yourself. Start off the semester going after something you want. Whether it’s a 4.0 GPA, going to the gym three times a week, getting a job, or even something as simple as remembering to drink water every day, having a goal in mind motivates you to push yourself. Once you’ve decided on a goal, plan out how exactly you’re going to work towards it. The key is to start. Thinking about something without taking action won’t get you very far. If you need advice on how to get motivated and stay motivated, check out some of the “Prepare” articles on The CWIB Chronicles website.

4. Take care of yourself
As corny as it sounds, self-care is just as important as school, work, and other obligations you may have. It’s impossible to put forth your best work before you become your best self. Take some time off each day after you’ve finished all your work to relax. Take a hot shower, watch some Netflix, chat with your roommates, and take your mind off whatever stress you may be having. Even if it seems like a waste of time, it’s more beneficial than you think. With our stressful curriculums and the seemingly never-ending list of responsibilities we have, the pressure can really get to our heads and cause us to not think straight, or make good decisions. This is why relaxation can lead to a clear mind and ultimately, a better life.
Spring semester is upon us, and there’s no limit to how much you can accomplish if you stay focused and prioritize. Prepare for school, stay organized and on top of things, work towards your goals, but most importantly, remember to look after yourself. Let’s make this a year of success, self-love, and new possibilities.
Good luck CWIB, and happy new year!