Are you interested in building CWIB's brand, working with the merchandise, or being in charge of the organization's social media? The Marketing Team may be the right for you...

Name: Cici Sobin
Position: Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Description – Cici is responsible for maintaining CWIB’s brand identity by developing promotional material, overseeing work of the other officers in the marketing team (VP of Merchandise, Design Chair, Editor-in-Chief, and Staff Writers), and engaging in the monthly club meetings and treks.
Empower – Cici says that the CWIB marketing team as a whole “has the ability to empower our members by featuring their successes and promoting their passions.” The weekly “Fame Friday” she posts on social media, as well as hearing success stories of women in business, inspire her and other members.
Prepare – With her position as CMO, Cici has had to prepare for multiple tasks much in advance to make sure everything gets done efficiently. She set her primary goal her past two years in CWIB to act as a teacher instead of a leader, hoping that younger girls maintain their skills taught. For Cici, “it has been rewarding to see some of the girls I’ve had on my committees over the years grow in their abilities and confidence, and to feel like I have had some impact on that.”
Connect – Cici has pointed out that marketing is a big factor for CWIB’s “Connect” principle. She says “it is important that we are portraying the right image of CWIB to the public eye so that we can make the best connections.” Through social media, she has been able to lead the marketing team to connect with students, alumni, speakers, and companies. She also has been leading the team to focus on having members connect on a more intimate level rather than large, detached meetings.

Name: Morgan Beavers
Position: VP of Merchandising
Description – Morgan is primarily responsible for designing and distributing all of the CWIB merchandise. She has to make sure she is organized and prepared with all the orders to ensure every member is given their items. She also assists the CMO with preparing marketing material for any of the social media posts.
Empower – Morgan says she gets to “empower the members of CWIB by giving the marketing team responsibilities where they can rise to their full potential.” She does this with her responsibility with all the CWIB merchandise and helping with social media activity.
Prepare – This role must be prepared for the orders responsibility, as well as working with the Chief Marketing Officer. Morgan has said that “working alongside Cici is a great opportunity to learn, as she has been in the CMO role for two years and with CWIB since the very beginning.”
Connect – Morgan says that merchandise is a way for members to be able to connect on campus, with the eye catching logo and lavender shirts to allow members to make new connections right on campus. She said “the greatest thing about CWIB is the connections we make with the next generation of business leaders, and our merchandise is a great way to jump start those connections with someone you may not know.”

Name: Erica Sullivan
Position: Design Chair
Description – This position works under VP of Merchandising, by assisting with merchandise orders and corresponding with Finance to make sure all purchases are kept in record. Erica is also there to design and market new merchandise, as well as designing graphics for upcoming social media posts.
Empower – Erica was empowered by CWIB, and this was noticed when CWIB created the role of the Design Chair due to her passion and commitment towards the organization. She says that “we are empowered to step outside of our comfort zone and use the skills acquired in meetings to make our dreams our reality.”
Prepare – Before Erica took on this role, she didn’t realize how much dedication and work was put in behind the scenes. Her role has allowed her to create her own path and speak up. To her, being prepared means to think outside the box and seeing everything as an opportunity to learn. She says that “leadership needs future thinkers and intricate planners who aren’t afraid to offer a different outlook” and she advises for members to “speak up at a monthly meeting, go on a trek, and get outside your comfort zone!”
Connect – Erica says that the inspiring business professionals she is connected with by CWIB, are equally as important as the students she forms connections students with. Her mission is to create ties between CWIB members with the merchandise, so when someone sees someone else wearing a CWIB shirt on campus, it starts a conversation. She says to “use these connections to your advantage, because who knows, you may be talking to your future business partner.”