Our campus is currently filled with a countless number of signs advertising an event called Business Horizons. No matter what year or major you are, you’ve probably heard of it. Business Horizons is a campus-wide career fair often referred to as “the Superbowl of college recruiting”. According to the official website, over 150 companies attend this fair, and students get the opportunity to talk to them. This year, Business Horizons will take place at Cassell Coliseum on January 24 from 10 AM – 4 PM.
If you’re still on the lookout for an internship, externship, or full-time job, or even just want to learn about some companies, Business Horizons is the place to go. However, it’s very important to play your cards right, and know the do’s and don’ts of career fairs. Here is a short guide I’ve created based on research, personal experience, and advice from people who’ve secured jobs from this fair, on how to do your best at Business Horizons.
1. Research
So, you’ve decided to attend Business Horizons. The first step, which should be done in advance, is to do some homework. The last thing you want to do is stumble into the fair and have no idea where to go or what to say. As soon as possible, check out https://www.businesshorizonsstudents.com/students. The website provides detailed guides on what companies will be attending, how to spice up your resume, how to create your elevator speech, and so on. Being prepared will be your biggest ally.

2. Prioritize
As I said before, there will be over 150 companies attending BH. Obviously, you won’t be able to visit every single one. Once you see the list of companies attending, choose which ones you want to go to. There will definitely be some familiar names on the list, such as Deloitte or Amazon. Regardless of whether you already know about the company, do some research on each one. Learn about what they do, search them up in the news, find out what their mission statement is, etc. Companies will be impressed by a candidate who knows their stuff; and most importantly, don’t be afraid to show off how much you know!
Another tip to keep in mind is to plan which companies to attend first. It’s a good idea to start off with some smaller companies that aren’t at the top of your list to warm up and get accustomed to the environment.

3. Dress smart!
Knowing what to wear is something that always stressed me out, but the rules are pretty simple. Colors should be limited to black, navy, and grey. A safe outfit for women is trousers or a pencil skirt (past knee length), a blazer in a matching color, a simple blouse, and flats or pumps. Keep makeup minimal and non-distracting. The key is to look professional and put together; make sure your appearance reflects your mindset. H&M is a good place to get a variety of professional clothing for cheap.
4. Elevator speech
At BH, there are often long lines at each booth (the more popular the company, the longer the line tends to be). So, chances are, you’ll only have a few minutes or so to sell yourself. It’s good to introduce yourself with an elevator speech. An elevator speech should include your name, major, year, what you’re looking for, and your skills/previous experience. You can end it with a question tying back to the company. An example would be, “I’m interested in doing data analytics in the field of supply chain management. How do you think I could fit in with your company?” This is an effective way to introduce yourself to the recruiter in a short amount of time, as well as get a conversation going. Make sure you have several copies of your resume on hand to give out to recruiters, so they’ll know more details.
5. Asking questions
It’s a generally known fact that asking questions can be what makes or breaks you, whether in an interview or a career fair. Asking questions shows that you’re genuinely passionate about and interested in a company or a position, and not just looking for money or a resume boost. There are three categories of questions: questions about the recruiter, the company, or yourself. You can ask about the company’s long-terms goals or training programs, the internship opportunities and what they entail, or how someone with your skills/experience would fit in with their company. There are no right or wrong questions to ask. However, keep one thing in mind; Never ask a company what they do. This comes off as unprepared, and shows that you don’t care about the company enough to look them up. Never go to a company you don’t know about.

6. Be genuine!
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at Business Horizons. In a sea of over 2,500 students, how can you make yourself stand out? The truth is, being yourself and displaying your passion and interests is what makes you unique. Don’t pretend to be interested in something you’re not just to land a position; in the long run, this will hurt you. Also, recruiters can tell.
Whichever booth you decide to visit, be professional and welcoming. Shake the recruiter’s hand and engage in some light small talk first instead of just jumping into your elevator speech. Talk about your actual interests or extracurricular activities instead of strictly your skills or classes. After the fair, write follow-up emails to the recruiters you spoke with. Sometimes, in professional environments, we tend to dehumanize ourselves to seem as squeaky clean and put together as possible. However, I’ve learned that standing out and letting your personality shine through can help you out more than anything else.
Business Horizons is an experience that’s personal to everyone who attends. It’s up to you to present your best self while still maintaining your personality and values. If you need more tips on resumes or the fair itself, there are many resources available, such as the BH website, career services, or your counselor.
Good luck, and happy job hunting!