Collegiate Women in Business (CWIB) partners up with a large variety of amazing corporations and businesses. One of these many companies is Protiviti, a global consulting firm. They specialize in areas such as technology, business process, analytics, risk, compliance, transactions, and internal audit. They have over 75 offices in over 25 countries, and have received many accolades, including being named one of Fortune 100’s “Best Companies to Work For”.
Protiviti defines itself as “a company that’s right in the middle – not too big, not too small”, according to Joe Zipper, one of the company’s consultants who presented at the Protiviti workshop on January 24. Joe hosted the workshop along with other Protiviti employees, Cait Kelly, Harold Haugen, and Corrigan Serpa, one of the co-founders of CWIB!
They started the workshop by showing a video featuring employees showcasing Protiviti’s values. All of them agreed that Protiviti is heavily committed to encouraging diversity, doing the right thing, and possessing a “depth of experience”. Another one of their many benefits is that they’re growing faster day by day and expanding their global network of branches and personnel. We also got some insight about this company from Corrigan, a Risk and Compliance Consultant. When we asked what sets Protiviti apart from other consulting firms, her response was: the people. She explains, “I genuinely enjoy working with the individuals I have met at Protiviti. Finding people that you can connect with is a great advantage, and makes long days easier.”
The daily life of a Protiviti employee was described at the workshop as very interactive and flexible. The office follows a “millennial” model, which is becoming increasingly popular at companies all over the world – the space is open, there are no closed-off cubicles, and you can sit wherever you want. This encourages team members to interact with each other more effectively and work closely together, which is one of Protiviti’s principles – they are “committed to attracting and developing a diverse workforce of professionals that share the common value of collaboration. As an organization, we believe that by teaming together, with each other, and our clients, we can see beyond the surface of changes and problems organizations face.” When asked what her job at Protiviti is like, Corrigan listed “collaborative and dynamic” as the adjectives. She also talked about the culture and shared that, “The New York Office is fairly social and the entire firm is by nature collaborative.”

Corrigan's picture of her and some coworkers at work
If this seems like a company you’d be interested in working for, then you’re in luck – Protiviti offers some incredible career opportunities for students and graduates. They have an internship program that takes place in their offices across the country. Interns have the opportunity to work alongside consultants in a real corporate setting, as well as travel to client sites all over the country! They learn networking and social media skills, and they have the chance to receive guidance from three different advisors. For full-time job seekers, consultants will be trained through hands-on experience and constant interaction with other team members for the first year before they transition into their jobs.
Currently, there’s a Protiviti summer leadership conference opportunity available on Hokies4Hire. It’s a great way to develop professional skills while also learning more about Protiviti and what they do. The conference takes place on June 1 in their Metro DC location. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are encouraged to apply.
For more information about Protiviti, check out their website: https://www.protiviti.com/US-en
Good luck, CWIB!

Protiviti hires CWIB members! Andra, Lauren, and Heather will be interns this summer, Maddie and Annie will be full-time employees and Corrigan is a current full-time employee. Go Hokies!