“I have been called bubbly twice in interviews and I'm wondering if that is a positive or negative thing! Thanks so much!”
Dear CWIB reader,
Thanks for your question! In the stressful times of job searching, we definitely tend to overanalyze ourselves to make sure we act just the right way to leave an impact on whoever’s evaluating us. However, it’s important to remain calm and not stress too much on how we look or act, but instead pay attention to what we say.
In my experience, I’ve found being “bubbly” and enthusiastic helps me a lot when networking. Whether it’s in an interview or a career fair, it’s your best bet to put your happy face on. Being bubbly helps ease the tension and break the ice, and it also shows that you’re passionate about whatever it is you’re applying for. In a sea of faces, people are bound to remember the happy ones best! You could even make a strong connection with a recruiter, which can help you later on to expand your network!
While enthusiasm is always encouraged, it’s always important to remember to keep an air of professionalism. Show you’re interested and mature at the same time. Do your research on the job or even the recruiter before the interview and conduct yourself with poise! Finding a balance is key to make the best impression. If you show that you know your stuff, your chances are much higher.
If there’s one thing you should remember above anything else, it’s to just be yourself! As corny as it sounds, it’s the right thing to do. There’s no need to try super hard to be someone you’re not or act a certain way just to secure a position. If a position is right for you, you’ll know it instantly!
Best of luck!

CWIB members have multiple opportunities throughout the year to practice their networking/interview skills and showcase their true personality!