There are some topics that we all deal with that are often ignored by people in our society. Rejection is one of them. Though it is common with every single one of us, we hesitate to discuss it. This may be because of embarrassment, shame, or refusal to admit failure. However, how natural is it to fail? Is success always guaranteed?
At this time in our lives, rejection is something that has almost become an everyday occurrence. Many of us are currently applying to things, whether it’s summer jobs, internships, on-campus organizations, scholarships, etc. We also face rejection outside of our career lives in relationships with others, or even rejecting our own selves.
However, one thing is clear – rejection can’t be avoided. There’s no “5 Step Plan” to preventing rejection. Instead, you can improve your methods of dealing with it once you have to face it.
I’ve gathered testimonies from four different girls who have faced rejections in every aspect and have now secured internship positions at well-reputed companies. All of them have learned valuable lessons from their job searches and have used them to their advantage.
1. “Learn from your mistakes and keep on trying, no matter how hard it gets.” – Incoming Amazon intern
I spoke with an incoming Amazon intern who told me about her struggles with interviewing. After four months of applying, interviewing, and getting rejected from just about everything, she was ready to give up. However, she was able to identify her weakness, which was her lack of preparation for technical interviews. She soon learned how exactly to study and prepare for these interviews in order to leave the best impression. She also stopped getting discouraged by watching people around her getting jobs. Eventually, she received an offer from Amazon as an engineering intern. Her key to success was to keep trying, no matter how bleak the situation seems.
2. “Don’t limit your options by sticking to ‘big’ companies.” – Incoming CNN intern
This friend of mine I spoke with told me her tips with dealing with rejection, which include telling herself it’s not the end of the world and there are so many other companies to apply to. When she gets rejected, she just starts filling out more applications without dwelling too much and losing momentum. Most importantly, she’s learned that it doesn’t matter where you work. Getting rejected by a large company is to be expected since they are very picky, and they have a large number of applicants from all over the world. The purpose of internships is to learn new skills, and you have just as much of a chance doing so at a smaller company or a startup, which is where she interned last summer. Her key to success is to not overlook small companies because you want a flashy, big-name internship that’ll look good on a resume – look for the value the position provides. It also doesn’t hurt that the smaller the company, the higher your chances tend to be.
3. “Don’t get overly attached to a position.” – Current Home Depot intern
Emotions tend to get the better of us, no matter what situation we’re in. It’s important to remember to stay objective and focused during the application process. Whether it’s rejection emails, cold interviewers, or just no replies at all, none of it will affect you in the long run. Just accept the situation for what it is and keep going. Even if a position sounds perfect for you and you feel like a good fit for it, try to not get your hopes up and get attached since there’s always the slightest chance it won’t work out. While it’s good to have hope, you should stay grounded and practical at the same time to avoid excessive disappointment. Her key to success is to remember that you’ll end up where you need to be if you continue to pursue your goals without giving up because of one rejection.
4. “Think of rejection as a push in the right direction.” – Incoming KPMG intern
It’s difficult to accept rejection because it feels like proof that you weren’t good enough. However, it’s important to understand that it’s not against you personally. When companies recruit, they have a very specific type of person in mind – someone who matches their corporate culture - and it’s often hard for them to find just the right match. If you didn’t get a job you applied to, chances are, you will definitely find something better. It also means that even if you did get that job, it might not have gone so well because you didn’t fit well with the company initially. Her key to success is understanding what leads to certain things happening and continuing to search for a company that is the perfect fit for you.
This is a critical time in our lives, where it seems like securing jobs define our worth. However, we are still young and still have time left in school, so use it to your full advantage! Companies are always visiting Virginia Tech, whether they’re at a booth at a career fair, speaking at an organization’s meeting, or just hanging out in the Pamplin atrium waiting for you to swing by. Take every opportunity available to build relationships instead of “connections.” Remember, you have time. Rejections don’t signify failure – they’re just a sign that you applied for the wrong place, and your dream job is still out there. All you have to do is keep searching!
As always, good luck, CWIB!

CWIB offers many opportunities to meet and network with recruiters and representatives of different companies, like Power Panel!