“Dear Rosie… I’m thinking of double majoring. Is it worth it or should I just stick to one major and really focus on it?”
Hi CWIB Reader!

That’s a great question! This topic is something I’ve thought about a lot as well. When it comes to getting a double major, it really depends on what you want to do when you graduate. If you are thinking about taking on another major within Pamplin, women currently in the business world are going to say that double majoring isn’t worth it.

At the Fourth Annual Power Panel, Kerry Wekelo from Actualize Consulting said that getting a double major wasn’t worth the late nights, extra work, and stress; and that you can reach the same success with one degree.

However, if you want to extend the scope of your education with a business and a liberal arts degree, then you should go for it. Studies have found that a college graduate with both a business and liberal Arts degree may earn a higher income than a graduate with only a Business degree. If you decide to double major, make sure you are aware of the opportunity costs before jumping right in.

Double majoring comes with a larger time commitment to academics and may limit how involved you are able to get with organizations on campus. Another thing to think about is that when the time comes to apply for jobs, employers want to see how you got involved and exemplified leadership in the community as well.
If you are still having a difficult time deciding, make an appointment with your Academic Advisor! They are a great resource for us students and will help you decide what is best for you.