Finding the Perfect Internship
Looking for an internship? Read Pooja's article and learn some tips about how to go about searching for the right internship for you.

CWIB Profile: Ashlin Webster
Ashlin Webster, Co-CEO of CWIB, has seen the club grow from the very beginning and offers advice to the current members on how to enhance th

Why You Should Get a Mentor
The CWIB Mentorship Program is a great way to connect with members in the club! Why do it? How do you get paired with a mentor? Read the art

Finding Your Career Path
If you are anything like me, you fear the uncertain and embrace having a plan. So, when I woke up one day and realized that I had no idea...

CWIB Takes On the Big Apple
Find out more on CWIB's latest Trek to New York City for the Pamplin Women in Business Event.

5 Things to Prepare for in CWIB
It’s a new school year, and as you know, with a new year comes new possibilities. Thinking about the future or your career goals can be...

Power in Philanthropy
Collegiate Women in Business (CWIB) took a break from discussions pertaining to internships, networking, and other typical “business”...